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    The Nephilim of Genesis chapter 6

The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when God's sons came in to men's daughters and had children with them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. - Gen 6:4

Introduction to Genesis 6

To write on this particular chapter in the book of Genesis in the 21st century is no small task. We live in an age where thinking is very mixed up. Many well educated and intelligent people are not even able to define what a woman is, so the task at hand is difficult. Many Christian leaders have done great violence to the early chapters of Genesis in an attempt to be "seeker friendly" and to appease the world. They have thrown everything they possibly can to get people away from God's six day creation and Genesis being an historical book. They talk about it as being myth or poetry or some allegory of sorts. They are dead scared of criticism and being mocked as being anti-science. They have waged war on the very Book they claim to love. They thought they could win the world over with watering it all down, but in practice it has driven the world away from the Bible. The prophet Jeremiah complained about the false prophets in his day saying, "from the prophets of Jerusalem ungodliness has spread throughout the land" (Jer 23:15).


When we come to Genesis chapter 6 we need to keep in mind that there are five chapters of history that precede it. Many Bible applications and online Bible sites like to display one chapter at a time, but this is not a good practice, as the big picture should always be kept in mind when reading the Bible. When reading a physical Bible you are never left with only the chapter you are interested in, but the whole book is placed in front of you. One chapter leads onto the next so you get the whole picture. This way you have less chance of missing the forest for the trees and landing up with false interpretations of Scripture.

The issue of Race

In Genesis chapter 4 from verse 17 you have the historical account of a people group that descended from Cain (Gen 4:17-24). From chapter 4 verse 25 and right through chapter 5 you have a people group that descended from Seth (Gen 4:25-5:32 ). Using today's terminology you would say that two separate "races" descended from Cain and Seth, but the Bible never divides humans into separate races, especially not based on skin colour as they do today. Divisions on skin tone and colour never comes into it when reading the Bible. There is only one human race that are all descended from Adam, and then down to Noah, but humanity is divided into nations, tribes or people groups.

Advanced technology and the downgrade of modern thinking

We see from Genesis chapter 4 that the great achievements of Cains family were city building, living in tents, farming livestock, musical instruments and forging tools from bronze and iron (Gen 4:17-24). They were real men of the earth and made the earth under their feet productive. There is no hint in the text that they were a godly people, but they were probably large in size with great physical strength. It ends with Lamech confessing to his wives of a murder he had committed, so it was not going well with the tribe of Cain (Gen 4:23-24).

Men, plants and animals were of a larger size before the flood of Noah. The ages people lived to was also large, so to speak. During the flood there was a great change in the earth and atmosphere that makes the apostle Peter refer to it as "the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished" (2Pet 3:6).

If the world perished by water then what do we find today? We find billions of dead things that are buried in rock layers laid down by water. Water action with rapid burial produces well preserved fossils. They dig these fossils up today, make false assumptions about the past, and arrive at faulty dates that miss the mark by millions of years. They are given over to this powerful delusion because they are willingly ignorant of history laid out plainly in the Bible (2Pet 3:5). The historical facts in Genesis 1, given by God, have been exchanged for the "big bang" and billions of years of evolution. They claim it to be facts and science, but in reality it is assumptions and unprovable theories to suppress the knowledge of God. People want the accolades and praise, and humbly receiving God's word doesn't do well for that. This idea that scientists are the most moral of creatures only seeking to the find and know the truth is a big fallacy. If that were the case you would not find the big names in science spitting out venom against God. Its a battle against the Bible and God for them, and their words and actions show it. They are utter fools and have no idea of what they are doing. As Jesus said, "by your words you will be condemned" (Matt 12:37). People condemn themselves by their own words. A serious thing is when Christian apologists have debates with them in public and spread the vitriol around on social media. Has everyone gone mad? Christians should never have any part in the name of the LORD being exposed to public abuse.

How vile it is for men to protect their own work with all kinds of patents and copyrights and then deny God the glory for His own creative work. What a wicked and unreasonable creature man is that he will so readily receive praise and glory unto himself but deny God any praise and glory whatsoever. A person may appear so sweet and nice to other people but they are not sweet and nice when it comes to God and the LORD Jesus Christ (Rom 3:10-18). But God is loving and patient, bearing with this abuse day in and day out (2Pet 3:15). He longs that the wicked turn from their evil ways to show His compassion and mercy on them (Ezek 33:11). He longs to rescue them from the fires of hell, if only they would come to Him and repent of their sins.

So then, stop believing these lies that modern man is somehow greater and better than man in the past. They want you to believe that you have ascended up from the amoeba and are heading towards perfection, but the opposite is true. Always remember that you are more puny and barely living to a tenth of the age they lived to back then. Your genes are full of defects and mutational errors that they never had back then. Granted, with all these mutational defects they have developed some good medicines to help out and to hopefully add on a few years. Whatever mankind is doing in medicine you can be sure that he is looking for every opportunity to empty your bank account before you pass on into the next life.

If the schools would just show children from the Bible how men were in ancient times they wouldn't feel so emasculated like they do today. Look at the life of David (1Sam 17:32). Look at the mighty heroic things men got up to (2Sam 23:8-13). This evolutionary octopus with its poisonous tentacles or arms has sucked all the life and vitality out of everyone. Things are becoming a big mess with woman wanting to be men and men wanting to be woman. This is to be expected as the nations are abandoning Biblical authority.

Waking with God

When we get to the birth of Seth at the end of Genesis chapter 4 we are also confronted with their great achievement. Their claim to fame was that they were a people who called on the name of the LORD (Gen 4:25-26). I am sure they were men of valour but their walk with God is much more newsworthy. Seth's line is given in great detail with specific ages of when they had a son and when they died. From this detailed genealogy were are able to trace back the age of the universe (Gen 5:1-32), as the unformed earth was created on the first day in complete darkness before the sun, moon and stars on day four of the creation week (Gen 1:1-2). The voice of God shatters all evolutionary theories, like the idol of Dagon falling on the ground and breaking in pieces before the ark of the LORD (1Sam 5:2-4). God's word doesn't care about the idol of man's reason.

In Seth's line we find a man, named Enoch, who walked so closely with God that God took him into heaven without him having to die in the normal way common to mankind (Gen 5:21-24, Heb 11:5, Jude 1:14-15). You could say these were the sons of God or God's sons. They walked with God and worshiped Him (Heb 2:10-15).

Keeping time-frames in mind

Another thing we should keep in mind when reading the Bible is the large number of years that pass, that are recorded in half a page or page of writing. From Seth's birth to the flood was a time span of around 1600 years. By the time the flood came the earths population must have been in the many millions of people. More than enough time for people to split up into various people groups and live in different areas. Different tribes would begin to have different physical features as is the case today. These tribes would be known by different names just like we have today.

The sons of God intermarry with foreign woman

The line of Seth in Genesis chapter 5 ends with the birth of Noah and his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japeth (Gen 5:28-32). We then move into chapter 6 where were are immediately confronted with two groups of people who had intermarried and had produced offspring (Gen 6:1-3). This is no surprise because there were two groups of people outlined in chapters 4 and 5. If we hold to the context and historical flow while reading Genesis we should avoid any science-fiction interpretations.

It seems like the children or descendants of these mixed marriages became the more dominant people group on the earth just before the flood (Gen 6:4). This people group were referred to as the Nephilim or "fallen ones" or maybe "giants". It doesn't really matter what they looked like, but the important thing is they were humans just like us. By the time the flood came the whole world had fallen from grace and had turned their backs of God (Gen 6:5-8). There were only a handful of people, eight to be exact, who were left walking with God. There were probably other godly men who had died before the floodwaters came and therefore had no need of being saved on the ark. God times events in history perfectly for His own purposes.

The world is essentially divided into two groups - the children of darkness and the children of light (Eph 5:8); the sons of Adam and the sons of God (1Cor 15:22); those born of the flesh and those born of the Spirit (John 3:5-8). It is therefore no surprise that Genesis 6 speaks of two groups of people calling the one group "sons of God" and the other "daughters of men". The same message runs through the whole Bible bringing out these two essential groups. Many want to divide the Bible into neat little compartments or dispensations, but there is one message that flows right through the Bible and leaves no contradiction whatsoever. The LORD God is the same God from beginning to end. Men lived by faith before the coming of Jesus and lived by faith after Jesus bodily ascended into heaven (Hab 2:4, Rom 1:17). Dividing the Bible up in compartments has caused much confusion for people because one loses the big picture of the Bible, but Bible scholars need to have some complicated idea to submit for a PhD. You cannot receive the accolades and the crown of glory by living on the same plane as the common people.

A quick word about justification by faith

Noah was a man of faith. In that sense you can say he was a son of God. He walked with God and believed God when He spoke (Heb 11:7). This was long before the law was given through Moses.

We need to always keep in mind that men having their sins forgiven and being justified before God by faith did not start with the New Testament and the LORD Jesus Christ. People were never saved by obeying laws, but righteousness was always a gift from God that came to the believer by faith (Rom 4:18-25, Gal 3:17-19). People called on the name of the LORD, took God at His word and they were credited with righteousness as a gift. This was the case with Adam at the fall and the promise of the future Redeemer or the "Seed of the woman" (Gen 3:15). We see this saving faith highlighted when we get to Abraham and how he "believed God" and how "righteousness was credited to him" (Gen 15:6). The LORD Jesus Christ, the promised Seed of the woman, came into the world to do all the work necessary for salvation, but faith was the means that the finished work of Christ was appropriated to the believer.

The law was added later after the Israelites were rescued out of Egypt because of sin (Gal 3:19). Its function was to ultimately show people they were sinners and had fallen short of God's glory. It was never able to save anyone because nobody could ever keep the law (Rom 8:3-4). The law roused up sin in the members of the body. Due to the weakness of the flesh it provokes sin in the body (Rom 7:13). Religious people who try to please God through striving and self-righteousness can end up being very evil. Striving with the law to be righteous before God inflames sin in the body. That is the reason why the Holy Spirit needs to circumcise the heart, so to speak, to enable us to walk by the Spirit (Gal 5:16-26).

The nature of the wicked and their terrifying end

The wicked, on the other hand, may live "moral" lives by the worlds standard but they are wicked, first and foremost, because they turn their backs on God and refuse to acknowledge and worship Him. The atheist may boast about how moral he is, but the fact that he denies God and has hard thoughts towards God makes his behaviour wicked. He refuses to give God any glory and exalts himself above God. He scoffs and mocks at God, making himself fit for eternal punishment.

Can any person really expect to continue having all God's blessings while hating Him. God will finally send you to a terrifying place where His presence is removed. The fresh air, space and beauty will all be removed as you are subjected to gloomy dungeons with unspeakable terror and suffering. If you die in your sins you will enter the same prison that the spirits of people in the days of Noah are now confined to, awaiting the final judgment.

Is it not reasonable for God to send you to hell if you continue rebelling against Him? God's love and mercy is now being lavished on you, but you continue to trample it under your feet and treat it as dung (Heb 10:29, John 3:14-21). What an unreasonable creature you are. Every moment of the day you are a stench and an offense to God, but His love and mercy is currently keeping you out of hell. He is patient with you not wanting you to be banished to that realm of fire that is never quenched and the worm that never dies (Mark 9:43-48). Come to Him. Call on His name (1Cor 1:2). Take hold of the Son of God by faith (1Pet 1:3-5). Turn from your stiff-necked rebellion and believe the Good News that is found in Jesus (Acts 7:51). Have you never heard the warning of Jesus that His future coming will be like in the days of Noah? (Matt 24:37-39) The global flood is a warning of the impending judgement by fire (2Pet 3:10-13). Be wise and be warned and turn from your wicked ways. Be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom 5:8-11, 2Cor 5:17-21).

The sons of God

The Scriptures often refer to believers as "sons of God" or "children of God". This we see clearly from John's gospel in the first chapter. "Yet to all who received Him (Christ), to those who believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husbands will, but born of God" (John 1:12-13). Then we have apostle Paul saying in Galatians, "You are all sons (children) of God by faith in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:26-29).

Believers being called "sons" or "children" of God runs through the Bible and, I believe, is first mentioned in Genesis chapter 6. We also know from Scripture that sons or children of God can fall from grace, as was often the case with Israel. They were called God's children but tended to mix with the nations around them, embracing their evil idolatrous customs (Ps 106:32-48). God would then send punishment on them because of their forsaking Him. They would return but it was never long before they wandered away into evil.

The context of Genesis chapter 6 constrains us to believe that the "sons of God" refers to the male members of Seth's tribe, as Seth's line is mentioned in detail in the previous chapter. They found the woman of the world attractive and at some point began taking them in as wives and having children by them. These intermarriages were probably producing a "mixed" people group that had great physical capabilities. They were mighty men who were heroes and were famous. They were also ungodly and full of evil as faith in God began to wane in the earth. Whatever the case we are left with the context of the passage speaking about people, and these people were going to come under the judgment of a flood.

The sons of God being angels?

The term "sons of God" has come under some strange interpretations over the centuries. Many think that it refers to angels that were marrying and having babies with the daughters of men. They think this to be the case because there are a few places in the Old Testament where angels are also referred to as "sons of God". The problem with this view is that angels are never mentioned in the book of Genesis before chapter 6. When angels are mentioned in the book of Genesis they are referred to as angels. They sometimes appeared in bodily form but this was to get a job done, like rescuing Lot and his daughters from Sodom (Gen 19:15-26). After the job was done they would have disappeared. They were not born in the normal way to make them human like God the Son (Jesus) was. Jesus was fully God and full man because He was born of a woman (John 1:14-18, Gal 4:4-7).

We know that demons can take possession over a persons body or suddenly seize the person, but the outcome when this happens is always a highly dysfunctional person that is in need of healing (Mark 5:1-14, Luke 9:37). You would hardly call the cases of demon possession in the New Testament producing people that were heroes and men of renown. No, no! They were highly pitied and seen as being very ill. We know that Satan and demons work in people and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one (1John 5:19). We see Satan entering into Judus giving him power to betray Christ (John 13:27). However, Satan working in people and giving power to their sin does not mean they will have children who are half demon and half human. Demons are merely using the natural functions of the body, so any children conceived will always be fully human.

Perhaps the Nephilim were indulging in occult practices that were giving them supernatural abilities. The sorcerers in the courts of Pharaoh were producing miracles with their magic arts during the time of the Exodus (Exod 7:1-22, Exod 8:7). Whatever the case was, the point I am making is that they were still men.

Would it not be strange for Moses to suddenly start writing about angels or fallen angels in Genesis 6, and not be direct about calling them angels, but use a term that is generally applied to believers in God? Would it not be highly improbable to suddenly change the emphasis from mankind in chapter 4 and 5, speaking about these great nations of men that came from Cain and Seth, and then to start speaking about angelic beings? The serpent or Satan is mentioned in chapter 3 but Satan is never referred to as a "son of God" in Scripture. In Job we read, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them" (Job 1:6, Job 2:1). The context of the verse gives us the meaning of "sons of God" as angels. In Genesis 6 it is used in a different context and naturally changes the meaning to men.

Even more strange would be the idea that angels find human woman attractive, marry them and have babies. That would require the angels to have human DNA and XY chromosomes. Finding woman attractive seems like a normal man or male thing to me. Why bring angels into it? Where do people dream these things up? Never heard of it for angels to be attracted to woman. People by nature are sexually perverted so it is no real surprise many imagine angels having sexual relations with woman. The imagination of man is fallen and is most subject to demonic delusions, something that Christians are not exempt from if they are not careful.

There is also no indication in the passage that anything supernatural is happening. In the Bible you will know when a supernatural event has occurred, as is the case with Mary's virgin conception by the Holy Spirit. The Bible says things explicitly about the virgin conception and birth that leaves no doubt about a supernatural miracle taking place (Matt 1:18-20, Luke 1:35). This is not the case in Genesis chapter 6. It is all about man, his evil and the judgment that follows. The world never came under a curse because of angels sin, but only because of man's sin. God does make use of angels and demons for purposes of judgement, or any other purposes He wants to use them for, but they are a totally different kind of creature. They were created as is and don't reproduce. The Bible is about God and man and man's relationship with God. Details about angels and demons are few and far between.

The twisting of Scripture

Many who maintain that angels mated with humans in Genesis chapter 6, that evidently produced the Nephilim, run to the epistles of second Peter and Jude to try prove their point (2Pet 2:1-12, Jude 1:1-7). They may say, "look, the angels who sinned is in the same context as Noah and the flood. It must be that the sons of God are angels and that the Nephilim are a hybrid between men and fallen angels. Look, Sodom is also mentioned in the passage and we know that the men of Sodom tried to have sex with angels". These people are forgetting that the context in Peter and Jude is around false teachers in the church and their destruction, not for combining different events in history in an attempt to prove faulty logic. Peter is merely listing the times when God has passed judgment on evil as examples of what is going to happen to false teachers, and those who change the grace of God into a license for doing evil.

In a similar way there are also many evolutionists in the church who like to twist Scripture. They may say something like, "look, in Peter it says that a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day to God. This means that we are allowed to interpret the days of Genesis 1 as long ages and hold onto our precious theory" (2Pet 3:8). They need to twist Scripture because the Bible does not teach evolution where one kind of animal changes into another kind, and they need this to be the case for their theory to stand. They need to believe in billions of years to maintain credibility with the world and the book of Genesis is an embarrassment to them. In their haste to twist Scripture they quickly forget that "day" in Genesis 1 is prefixed with "Evening and Morning" and a number. No problem to them, they will twist that too, so long as they can continue having their love affair with the philosophies of the world. Others will conveniently insert a time gap between Genesis verse 1 and 2 in an attempt to reconcile evolutionary time-frames with the Bible. It is all an attempt to bow the knee to man's reason and twist the Scriptures to try make it fit.

The evolutionists seem to have achieved their goal because all the schools are flooded with evolution and the Biblical creation has been kicked out. Having removed the Bible out of the way the education department is now onto the next step of training kids up in the same sins that brought Sodom and Gomorrah to a fire and brimstone end (Gen 19:24-25). After all, you can't have young boys reading about the mighty men of faith in Scripture while trying to make them effeminate. Slowly but surely these things creep in subtlety and unawares in the name of love, tolerance and inclusion, until Satan has got everyone trapped and under tyranny. Terrible and never ending fire is awaiting those who lead children into sin. When believers in Jesus fail to be salt and light, and go around twisting Scripture to accommodate their unproven theories, the world around them descends into deep darkness (Matt 5:13).

This twisting of Scripture has always been rife in the church that Peter ends his second letter speaking about how unstable and ignorant people distort the writings of apostle Paul to their own destruction (2Pet 3:14-18). People have and will always do violence to Scripture to try prove what they want to believe.

So then, be very careful about reading things into passages of Scripture in an attempt to prove a point. This is a constant danger that faces every one of us, but the more we realise how easy it is for Satan to sift us in this area, the more cautious and self-aware we will be (1Pet 5:8-9).

I hear someone asking, "Are you not making yourself anti-science but what you have been saying"? There is science that comes out of experiments that are observable, testable and repeatable and there are sciences that try piece together events that happened in the past. You cannot apply the scientific method, to say, the miraculous creation of the universe, so you have to consult documents written about the event. Science that claims to know how the universe formed is not science but only untestable and unproven theories masquerading as proven science. To say the big-bang is fact or the evolution of man from lower animals is fact is to tell big lies. It has never been proven and never can be proven and never will be proven. So it shouldn't be called science but should be referred to as pseudo-science. The reason that science seems to be a breeding ground for atheism is because it is not real science they are teaching, but philosophy masquerading as science. Then there is also the intellectual pride exploding out of university halls that cannot co-exist with God. See Scientists own admissions regarding evolution

Don't you think that God, who is all truth, lovingly gave mankind a written record of creation so that we will not fall into the delusions and false beliefs of fallen human reason? God did not give us over to faulty human reasoning, but provided a written Manual of the event, giving the proper order, or assembly-diagram, so we will not go astray (Gen 1:1-31). Mankind has imitated this when he makes things. He normally sells his inventions and products along with a user manual and assembly-diagram. Man, even though he is evil to the core, still has traces of the image of God in him, so he naturally tends to imitate God in some ways. We also need to mention that people hide their inventions behind patents and copyright laws for their own gain, but God is open and free with mankind, even to the point of giving His own Son for the sins of the world (John 1:29, 1John 2:2).

So if people are looking out into the universe and coming up with different steps of how the universe was assembled you know they are wrong. You can be sure they will start complaining at the Bible because they want to create their own assembly-diagram of the universe, and to believe that scientists know better. They never stop to think about how small and insignificant their intelligence is, so vanity swells up into vain and useless arguments. They then turn it around on those who believe the six-day assembly-diagram given in the Bible, crying out that they are being divisive.

Ask yourself why the Bible is the most printed and distributed Book in the history of the world. This is because the Owner's manual always goes along with the product, or is this case the Creation. Those who love to sing the praises of human reason should remember that it was the desire for this very thing that caused our first parents to fall. It is unthinkable that God would give us over to human reasoning regarding how the universe came into being and the sequence of events. Human reason, as to be expected, has done a fine job of darkening men's understanding about God and His creation.

Reproducing according to their kind

So then, to believe angels mated with humans we have the problem of the laws of creation that constrain humans and animals to reproduce within their own kind. It is impossible to mix different kinds of animals and produce offspring. This is just a fact of life in spite of what evolutionists like to tell people. They have turned away from Biblical wisdom and all common sense to make up their own story. Man, first and foremost, wants to write his own story and suppress God. He wants to have the last word on things. His evil nature controls him and it dictates for him to do this. He is so bound up by Satan and has lost all control of himself, even though he imagines himself to be in control, boasting continually about his own, so called, "free-will" (John 8:44). It is more apt to call it a "bound-will", because man in sin is under the control of the sinful nature. He is by nature an object of wrath (Eph 2:3, Eph 4:17-19).

A quick word about love

When the world talks about "love" they generally mean it as being nice and accepting of anything a person likes to do. This kind of "love" does everything in its power to not offend a person, except in the case when someone doesn't go along with their ideas. Then their so-called love will turn into gnashing of teeth and bitter hatred.

God's love on the other hand warns the world about pending judgment and how people can escape it. Its the kind of love that seeks out Lot in the city of Sodom, grabs him by the arm and leads him away from the firestorm coming upon the city (Gen 19:15-16). God's love calls people to change their mind about evil, turn from their wicked ways, and come to Him in faith, trusting in His promises (1Pet 3:10-12, 2Pet 1:4). It is first and foremost a rescue operation from the coming judgment and then an adoption into God's family (Col 1:13-14, Eph 1:4-6). I am sure the angels did not come into Lot's house to sit down and talk about how much God loved them. No, no! They came to uproot him fom his home and get them out of the city. The rescue may have even been a traumatic experience, but look what they were saved from.

See how patiently God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was being built, but the people continued in disobedience (1Pet 3:20, Heb 11:7). Noah was a preacher of righteousness and even though the Bible doesn't mention it explicitly, he was probably spending a lot of time preaching and warning the ancient world of the coming wrath (2Pet 2:5).

So then, you never found Jesus running around telling people how much He loved them. There was nothing soppy and sentimental about His love. No, no! He spent time teaching and warning them of the wrath to come. His desire was to save people from the wrath of God and the fires of hell, so he warned them and reasoned with them. God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believe in Him should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16-21). Also, ask yourself why Jesus was so despised and rejected by people, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering (Isa 53:3). The complete and total embodiment of God's love was despised and rejected by people because He spoke the truth (John 18:37).

Look at the prophets in Israel. They were the most hated and despised people because they were warning the nation of pending judgement. Can you imagine the prophets preaching, "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life"? Never, it was the false prophets who preached like that, filling people with vain hopes. The false prophets were popular because they were not offending anyone and on the whole being nice and affirming people in their sin (Jer 23:14). The false prophets would have been the ones affirming the "gender confused" to go along with their feelings and their inner lusts, rather than telling them the truth. They were being "nice" to people, but had no love for people, but were only thinking about themselves and what they could gain (Jude 1:16).


The tribe of Seth, who walked with God and called on His name, at some point in time found ungodly woman attractive and took them as wives and produced children by them. These mixed marriages resulted in the faith of their forefathers to be lost and the world downgraded into ungodliness. Out of these relationships a people group called the Nephilim came about. They were probably larger in size and had great abilities that made them famous. Things became so bad and evil that God decided to wipe mankind off the face of the earth and start afresh with Noah and his three sons.

The other science-fiction view is that angels married and mated with human woman and produced children. I use the world "mated" because no one has any idea of how this could possibly happen. It is purely in the realm of imagination, but the view is out there in the world.

When confronted with various views you need to ask yourself what is the most likely one. Is a man finding woman attractive, chasing after them for marriage and producing children something that is common to mankind? Then ask yourself, is the idea of angels finding woman attractive, marrying them and then mating with them to produce children something that exists or has some kind of evidence in the world to back it up? Does it not seem like a Hollywood fantasy science-fiction movie rather than reality? It seems like people in antiquity also had vivid imaginations of the alien and science-fiction kind because this view has been around for a long time.

Is it possible that Satan has come in on this chapter to distract people away from the great judgment that came upon the earth because of people's sin? Everyone is wanting to get away from the fact that God punishes sin with death and then eternal hell, or the second death. Ask yourself why scientists will rather embrace a meteor hitting the earth and causing a global devastation than a global flood? It gets their minds off God and the punishment that is coming to them for their rebellion. When people are trying to be their own god's they don't like being confronted with the Bible and the one true God in heaven and His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ.

Many people will come to Genesis chapter 6 and read the first few verses and then float away into vain imaginations about angels having sex with woman. They will not spend enough time thinking to have their sins challenged and to realise they are under God's impending judgment and are needing a Saviour. If you ask me the angelic view of Genesis chapter 6 is a clever ploy of Satan to get people from thinking of things that are important and that lead to eternal life. Unclean spirits will love to get your imagination glowing hot with how on earth angels got to mate with humans. They will keep you there forever feeding your sinful nature.

Genesis chapter 6 does not explicitly mention angels or demons, so we should be careful about reading things into it. The context and factual statements given in the text are all desires and activities that are natural to men. When there are many views floating around rather err on the side of caution and take the most logical and probable view. Safeguard your imagination because Satan will quickly take you captive with a lot of "flesh-hugging" ideas. There are a lot of fleshly or carnal pastors and teachers out in the world who will entertain you with stories they have made up, so be careful. Vanity will be oozing from every pore of their body and they will be after your money. Always remember that delusions are not restricted to those who are living in mental asylums and needing medicine to disable a wild and uncontrolled imagination.

Written by Trevor Wood - 04-08-2024