About BibleBookReader.org

This site is for teaching or education purposes and doesn't contain sales of any kind. The internet has made it possible to distribute materials without the need for a physical medium, for instance paper and ink, which eliminates almost all costs. Please note that no browser cookies are used on this site. There is no collecting of private information and the site is advert-free. The one place you want to be free of all the dollar signs, marketing and advertising is while reading the Holy Bible.

This site should run on any device that uses a web browser. The site will run in light or dark mode according to your preference (see the icons or on the top menu). The font size can also be changed according to your liking (see icon).

My main idea with this site is to build and display Bible timeline charts (See main chart) and make them clickable with annotations using the applicable Bible texts or a relevant article. The Bible at its very core is a record of God working out His purposes on the concrete plane of history, so it lends itself to timelines. This site is still very much under construction, but it remains live as I make changes and edit the charts and add annotation etc.

The history of the universe begins with the one God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and always ends back at the feet of one person, the LORD Jesus Christ. He is the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. The Bible is one continuous whole that keeps pointing us to the Saviour. When people lived in the Old Testament they were pointed forward to the coming of the Redeemer who would deliver them from their sins. In the New Testament we look back to the person and work of Jesus Christ who made atonement for sin at the cross. When we believe, our faith is credited as righteous, as was the case with Abraham and all the Old Testament believers.

Salvation from the beginning has been by faith and never by observing the law or practicing religion. Religion is man's futile attempt to try please God or some idol, but the way to God and to share in all His blessings has always been through repentance and faith. It is always a sinner being so spiritually undone and destitute that all he has left is to appeal to God for mercy and grace. He needs his large debt of sin and rebellion against God to be cancelled. He needs to be cleansed of his inner filth. He needs an atonement sacrifice outside of himself to take the punishment. He needs the God-Man, Jesus Christ, to atone and mediate. He needs the Spirit of God to indwell him. He needs to be born-again if he has any hope of entering the kingdom of God. I hope to bring these things out at every stage in the timeline history from the big picture down to the finer details.

The Bible is a large book with many pages and can be daunting for the person who is not familiar with it, so viewing a chart with the core history and doctrines may be helpful to piece it all together. By doing it this way we will hopefully not miss the forest for the trees. A source of many problems in the Christian life is because people run straight to the detail of some verse or passage of Scripture without giving any thought or analysis to the bigger picture.

I am making use of FreeBibleImages.org (See credits below) for most of the images and will use English Bible versions which are in public domain, at least for now. Most modern Bible translations are subject to restrictive copyright and it is not possible to make use of them with freedom and without concerns about violating some law. The copyrighted versions normally give a 500 verse storage limit which is way too little for a project like this. Also they don't allow a whole Bible book to be used, which I need to do. Some also want to charge royalties for the use of their translation, but my goal is to keep things simple and free - freely we have received so freely we give (Matt 10:8, 1Cor 9:18). I will look into using other versions at a later time. I am also keen to make use of Bible translations in the other official languages of South Africa.

My plan when dealing with the Bible has been to avoid displaying individual verses on their own, outside of their context, but rather always to present verse(s) with the whole book (See example). Displaying single verses on their own is not a good idea, especially where people don't have a good knowledge of the Bible or the context of the verse. Verses and chapters in the Bible were never intended to be isolated and to be standing alone. They form an integral part of the whole book. With a physical Bible you always get the whole book displayed in front of you, even when you are only interested in one verse. You may even find that in previous generations, before the invention of the internet and social media, they had a much better Biblical knowledge that you will find today. They more than likely were not being fed a verse here and a verse there, but were actually opening up and reading the Bible.

On this site I have made use of excerpts from sermons and addresses of the late Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (mljtrust.org). He was a man filled with the Spirit of power and his Biblical teaching in the last century was honest, profound, thorough and straight to the point. His careful analysis of Scripture and the application of it is timeless.

I have also made use of material by Dr. Walt Brown from his book "In The Beginning - Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood". He has done a great work with scientific evidence for creation and the flood. Please see creationscience.com

So then, the goal of this project is to get to know the Bible and to submit to its message.

A big thank you to open source and free software that makes a project like this possible. As for myself I have been working as a software analyst/developer for various companies over the last 33 years or so. For a few years before that I worked as a road construction surveyor.

If you have any problems or suggestions you are welcome to send me an email.


Trevor Wood
Cape Town
Email: trevor.wood1717@gmail.com
Date: 21/06/2024

Credit to artists from FreeBibleImages.org are as follows:

Jim Padgett - Sweet Publishing

More to come...


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